a harpoon in the heart of the chilean capital

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Anarchist Poster

This poster in Barrio Yungay makes reference to the detonation of small homemade bombs in a number of locations in Santiago by anarchist groups opposed to the right-wing policies of the state. It reads:


Since 2006 the anti-authoritarian offensive has included among its methods explosive devices against buildings and symbols of power. The state and press has baptised this the 'Bomb Affair'.

Having not found those responsible, the authorities have initiated a media and police campaign of persecution against comrades and spaces that publicly spread ideas of freedom. They wish to isolate and punish them in order to strike fear into the exploited, aspiring to wipe out any idea contrary to authority. The press has set a repressive stage and the new public prosecutor, Alejandro Peña, has invented the existence of an illicit organisation of bosses and soldiers, something which doesn't exist amongst those of us who abhor all forms of authority and hierarchy.

The authority that persecutes our comrades is the same that imposes miserable living conditions, that represses in Mapuche territory and all over the world, and that today wants to modify the anti-terrorism law created by Pinochet so that whatever form of social protest is brutally punished.

Their repressive acts don't surprise us but neither are we able to remain silent. Solidarity can manifest itself in many ways; criticising and disobeying all that comes from the authorities; reporting and agitating over the situation of the persecuted; but, above all, multiplying the expressions of conflict with the social order of the powerful and promoting by means of fact the ideas of freedom against all forms of authority.

Power has been, is and will be vulnerable. We affiliate solidarity and complicity as weapons against the repression of the powerful. Open your eyes and raise your voice! Tomorrow they could come for you.

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