a harpoon in the heart of the chilean capital

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Gas: Part Two

The teargas ceasefire imposed by the government on los carabineros of Chile lasted a whole three days and has been lifted just in time for tonight's anti-Hydroaysén demonstrations in Plaza Italia in Santiago and the nationwide protests planned for tomorrow. After fears were expressed about the health effects of the chemicals in the gas, Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter announced that there would be an indefinite suspension until the results of tests were known. There must be some pretty speedy scientists working for the government.

Hinzpeter said 'Today I can say, after studies were carried out, that the teargas used by the police has no abortive effects, nor does it cause health problems. Therefore, as in many parts of the world, it can and should be used to safeguard public order during disturbances and violent demonstrations.

'From this perspective, I have met with the Director General of los Carabineros and I have let him know this conclusion and the conviction of the government. What is clear is that the teargas used by los Carabineros de Chile has a concentraion of 0.4 milligrams per cubic metre, it doesn´t cause miscarriage or damage people's health.

'Countries such as Germany, Sweden and Japan acquire it from the same interenational supplier as los Carabineros de Chile. We are facing a perfect element that is used by various police forces in various countries that doesn't have the damaging effects which some people have claimed in recent days'.

The demonstration in Plaza Italia is scheduled to start in less than an hour, and there are events all over the country tomorrow. It's going to be a foggy weekend.

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