a harpoon in the heart of the chilean capital

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

The exhumation of Allende - a necessary indignity?

Thirty seven years after his death, President Salvador Allende remains a symbol of hope and liberation to the Latin American left and reserves his place in history as a socialist martyr. Yet the various doubts over his death during the military coup of 11th September 1973, which saw General Pinochet take power of Chile, have resulted in today's exhumation of the ex-president's body in the hope that light will finally be shed on whether he committed suicide, as the official story goes, or was in fact murdered by the military. There are many theories over the death of Allende, with supporters and opponents alike debating over the circumstances.

After decades of uncertainty over Allende's death, a second autopsy has been ordered from which it is hoped new evidence will emerge that will establish the truth. There was only one known witness to Allende shooting himself with an AK47 and his version of events is not universally believed. The day after the coup, Allende was buried in Viña del Mar, without proper autopsy, while his widow was prevented from seeing his body. This has fueled the flames of scepticism over the official line.

In addition, while various Allendistas claim that his death was a final act of honour and nobility, others believe that he would have chosen to lead the resistance to the military coup and never would have killed himself. Others argue that he died fighting, defending Chilean sovereignty and the rights of the people to his last breath, as the bombs and bullets rained down on his presidency and the socialist democracy he had created.

The mystery of his death has remained an open wound in the rehabilitation of Chile in the twenty one years since the end of the dictatorship. It is hoped the establishment of the truth will bring closure to this dark and traumatic chapter in Chilean history. Yet it seems to me sad that this visionary and dedicated leader once again must suffer the indignity of being removed from his resting place. In 1990, he was exhumed and relocated from Viña del Mar to Santiago, where he was buried in a full state ceremony. Hopefully, after this new investigation, he will finally be allowed to rest in peace.

The story has been picked up by the international media. In the States, the Los Angeles Times has this to say:


And here's the CBS take on things:


and Time Magazine:


The British media is acting with its usual ambivalence towards Latin America but here's the Independent's piece:


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